♦ 1st Part - 2nd Part ⇒
Here is a little story for you guys, with pictures and text. The blue text in speech bubbles is what our little protagonist is saying and thinking, and the black text is the narrator’s voice, which is telling what we’re seeing. Try to just go at it and comprehend / translate what the story is about!
Above each picture is a small audio player button, with which you can listen to every picture’s text.
taronyu a / the hunter |
lu to be |
kaltxì Hello |
kaltxì si to greet, to say hello |
po he / she |
poru to him / to her |
oeru to me |
syaw to call |
oe I |
ulte and |
tsko a / the bow |
tok to be at a place |
na’rìng a / the forest |
tsatseng (over) there |
ioang a / the animal |
tse’a to see (with the eyes) |
yerik a / the hexapede, deer-like animal on Pandora |
taluna because |
taron to hunt (down) |
pelun why |
‘efu to feel |
ohakx hungry |
tsun pehem „oh well”, „what can you do”, „it can’t be helped.” |
First try to answer the questions below in English in order to check whether or not you’ve gotten the context and gist of the story. As a bonus, try to translate your English replies into Na’vi using what you’ve learned in this story!
- Who is Eova?
- Where is she?
- Who does Eova see?
- What does she do afterwards?
- Why is she doing that?
Homework / Practice
Look through the story again. Pay attention especially to the sentences containing L and T. Try to utilize what the sentences have shown and demonstrated for the following pictures below. Try to build two Na’vi sentences for each picture:
kelku |