Aylie Aokoä - 01

With this litt­le pic­tu­re sto­ry I want to try to bring you guys nea­rer to the Na’­vi lan­guage, but wit­hout babb­ling con­fu­sing stuff about grammar or any­thing. So, let’s get going, let’s expe­ri­ence some adven­tures tog­e­ther with Aoko on Pandora! ;D

Small tip: It’s always a good idea to bring a sur­vi­val / tra­vel gui­de with you when ente­ring unknown ter­ri­to­ry. So take a dic­tion­a­ry with you to Pan­do­ra (e.g. dict-navi or Rey­ku­nyu) - they’­re very han­dy when you don’t know a word or two (yet). ;) Aoko will take char­ge of the sight­see­ing for you :P
One important thing befo­re we start: Plea­se make sure you have auto-trans­la­ti­on dis­ab­led insi­de your brow­ser / on your device, or at least that trans­la­ti­on is set to Ger­man or from Ger­man to Eng­lish, other­wi­se the Na’­vi words on this site may be dis­play­ed incorrectly.

Let’s prac­ti­ce what Aoko has taught us!

Exer­cise I - Vocabulary

Exer­cise II - First sentences